Welcome to Tumbler Ridge, the premier destination for snowmobilers in the Peace Region! Our location in the foothills of the Rockies boasts a long and abundant deep-snow season, with untouched powder that creates some of the most exhilarating riding experiences in the country. You'll be thrilled by our heart-pumping slopes and vast, snow-covered expanses that offer endless opportunities for adventure. And thanks to the TR Ridge Riders Snowmobile Association, you can easily explore our incredible terrain with their extensive network of well-marked trails.
Tumbler Ridge, BC has been declared the winner of the 2023 SnoRider's SledTown ShowDown, beating out several other towns in Western Canada. Tumbler Ridge went head-to-head against Whistler/Squamish, Blue River, Revelstoke and Sicamous to win the provincial title. They then beat out Swan Hills, Alberta in the semi-finals and finally Thompson, Manitoba in the last round. Despite tough competition and a tight margin in the finals, Tumbler Ridge came out ahead, winning the coveted SledTown trophy.
Tumbler Ridge is the 2023 SledTown ShowDown Champion!
The victory resulted from tremendous community support from local and international fans who voted for Tumbler Ridge throughout the contest. The TR Ridge Riders Snowmobile Association is a small club with a powerful punch and the area is fast becoming a destination of choice for Northern BC. The Ridge Riders contribute countless volunteer hours to trail maintenance, grooming, event hosting, and more. The association is thrilled and proud to be two-time winners of the trophy.
tr ridge riders snowmobile association
The TR Ridge Riders Snowmobile Club is committed to safeguarding its beloved sport and cultivating a vibrant community. Collaborating with other clubs, they strive to preserve areas for snowmobiling in British Columbia, ensuring that future generations can experience the thrill of the ride.
While many of their members join for the well-groomed trails, the benefits of being a part of the club extend far beyond that. The dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to negotiate with the government and manage these areas, meeting ongoing requirements to maintain access. By joining TR Ridge Riders Snowmobile Club, you're making a difference and contributing to the continued enjoyment of snowmobiling. Click here to learn more.
tumbler ridge riding areas
Please be advised that some areas within the Geopark boundary are active management zones to protect our mountain caribou.
The 4 steps to being able to ride in these active management zones are:
1. Have a membership to one of the following clubs: Chetwynd, Tumbler or Mackenzie.
2. Check the web app to see if the zone is open or closed. (Pretty easy to use - click the link and look for the green zones, if the area is red - no go.) This is updated twice a week Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30am https://governmentofbc.maps.arcgis.com/.../index.html...#
3. Carry proof of your membership and ID when riding.
4. Report any caribou, predators or non compliance in the Active management zones or closure areas. This can be done via the RAPP line (1-877-952-7277) If there are observations outside of the closure areas (i.e. caribou on the way to the staging area), or just less urgent observations, they can be submitted to spi_mail@gov.bc.ca. That will go direct to the species inventory team.
Downloadable Maps of the closures can be found at https://www2.gov.bc.ca/.../snowmobili.../snowmobile-closures
These maps can be downloaded onto your phone to be used with Google Earth, Gaia GPS, Caltopo or Fatmaps and possibly any other GPS app that users might have.